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Let's begin shall we?
"Now is the time to realize that all you do is sacred." –Hafiz
The Persian poet Hafiz gives voice to what I know to be true. We are human beings and everything we do is sacred. This is because we are celestially sourced and commissioned. As divine-humans, therefore, everything we say, think, feel or do has vast potential to reveal the presence of the Sacred in our world. We are veil lifters, way showers, if we are awake and aware enough to do so.
The messages you will receive over the next few months will invite you to grow in awareness of yourself as a sacred being; to be the human embodiment of peace, kindness and compassion that you are meant to be, not only for your own well-being, but for the benefit of all beings everywhere.
The Buddha proclaimed that the time to awaken was now. Ironically, he offered this sage advice 2,500 years ago. The message is as timely then as it is today. As was the directive of Jesus when he mandated that we love one another. All the “virtues of the spirit”—inner peace, generosity, patience, and kindness, compassion and more—stem from love. Everything we are and can be in the world hinges on love. Our thriving as individual humans, our effectiveness as a species, depends on our ability to be present to ourselves and others, so we can make the wisest choices about how to live well with one another on a small planet.
We learn how to do this by being present, moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath. It takes practice to come back to our center—to our sense of innate peace because there is so much that can pull us away from this. Life is stressful, demanding, full of drama. In a nanosecond, we can be whisked away from any sense of serenity or kindness we might have. Learning how to be present and stay present is the gateway to higher awareness. In the words of the great yogic teacher, Paramahansa Yoganada, “Self-realization leads to God-realization.”
We become aware of ourselves by learning how to be present to ourselves. I have a magic formula that can help us do just that.
Calm + Clear = Wise
We begin by cultivating the mindsets and practices that enable our body and mind to be calm. When we are calm, our natural clarity arises. We become clear about our thoughts and feelings. We have a sense of direction, of how to proceed in life, we know what to do next. You will receive reflections to help you observe yourself—skillfully, gently, with compassion. From that clarity ultimately comes wisdom. Wisdom is comprised of what I call “the virtues of the spirit.” These are the qualities of sacred living that all spiritual traditions value: generosity, kindness, compassion, cooperation, truth, and so on. They are the “the way” to live well with ourselves, and others, which has been taught by the saints and sages of all religions since the beginning of time.
This formula for sacred living is simple really. The calmer we are, the more clarity we have, the more wisdom we will carry forth into the world. Even though inner calm, clarity and wisdom are innate within us, they must be unbound, clarified, and strengthened for life is a harsh task-master, the perfect teacher for growth, but challenging nonetheless. Like an athlete training for a marathon, so must we strengthen our spiritual muscles to embolden our cause.
This Sacred Moment reflections will invite you to be fully present, first and foremost to yourself, in this very moment as it is. Each reflection offers you us a precious opportunity to return to your innate peace, kindness, and compassion—right here, right now—no matter what is happening in your life.
And this is precisely why each moment is sacred. Each moment of the day brings you the ultimate invitation—to be present to yourself as you are in a kind and compassionate way so you can be more present, kind and compassion to others too. We are here on this planet at this juncture in time to heal ourselves, to return to wholeness. We are also here to be of service, to repair the brokenness of the world: Tikkun Olam, as Jewish scripture teaches. We are here to be Love’s presence in a world that so desperately needs more of it.
So we begin with ourselves. We start where we are, one sacred breath, one sacred moment, at a time. Conscious choice by loving choice, we wish ourselves, and each other well. May these reflections help you along the way.
With metta, loving-kindness, for you and for all beings everywhere,
Jan Lundy
p.s. Remember, you will receive your reflections Sunday and Wednesday. If you ever have a problem with your subscription, contact me here. You first message will arrive soon!
The messages you will receive over the next few months will invite you to grow in awareness of yourself as a sacred being; to be the human embodiment of peace, kindness and compassion that you are meant to be, not only for your own well-being, but for the benefit of all beings everywhere.
The Buddha proclaimed that the time to awaken was now. Ironically, he offered this sage advice 2,500 years ago. The message is as timely then as it is today. As was the directive of Jesus when he mandated that we love one another. All the “virtues of the spirit”—inner peace, generosity, patience, and kindness, compassion and more—stem from love. Everything we are and can be in the world hinges on love. Our thriving as individual humans, our effectiveness as a species, depends on our ability to be present to ourselves and others, so we can make the wisest choices about how to live well with one another on a small planet.
We learn how to do this by being present, moment-by-moment, breath-by-breath. It takes practice to come back to our center—to our sense of innate peace because there is so much that can pull us away from this. Life is stressful, demanding, full of drama. In a nanosecond, we can be whisked away from any sense of serenity or kindness we might have. Learning how to be present and stay present is the gateway to higher awareness. In the words of the great yogic teacher, Paramahansa Yoganada, “Self-realization leads to God-realization.”
We become aware of ourselves by learning how to be present to ourselves. I have a magic formula that can help us do just that.
Calm + Clear = Wise
We begin by cultivating the mindsets and practices that enable our body and mind to be calm. When we are calm, our natural clarity arises. We become clear about our thoughts and feelings. We have a sense of direction, of how to proceed in life, we know what to do next. You will receive reflections to help you observe yourself—skillfully, gently, with compassion. From that clarity ultimately comes wisdom. Wisdom is comprised of what I call “the virtues of the spirit.” These are the qualities of sacred living that all spiritual traditions value: generosity, kindness, compassion, cooperation, truth, and so on. They are the “the way” to live well with ourselves, and others, which has been taught by the saints and sages of all religions since the beginning of time.
This formula for sacred living is simple really. The calmer we are, the more clarity we have, the more wisdom we will carry forth into the world. Even though inner calm, clarity and wisdom are innate within us, they must be unbound, clarified, and strengthened for life is a harsh task-master, the perfect teacher for growth, but challenging nonetheless. Like an athlete training for a marathon, so must we strengthen our spiritual muscles to embolden our cause.
This Sacred Moment reflections will invite you to be fully present, first and foremost to yourself, in this very moment as it is. Each reflection offers you us a precious opportunity to return to your innate peace, kindness, and compassion—right here, right now—no matter what is happening in your life.
And this is precisely why each moment is sacred. Each moment of the day brings you the ultimate invitation—to be present to yourself as you are in a kind and compassionate way so you can be more present, kind and compassion to others too. We are here on this planet at this juncture in time to heal ourselves, to return to wholeness. We are also here to be of service, to repair the brokenness of the world: Tikkun Olam, as Jewish scripture teaches. We are here to be Love’s presence in a world that so desperately needs more of it.
So we begin with ourselves. We start where we are, one sacred breath, one sacred moment, at a time. Conscious choice by loving choice, we wish ourselves, and each other well. May these reflections help you along the way.
With metta, loving-kindness, for you and for all beings everywhere,
Jan Lundy
p.s. Remember, you will receive your reflections Sunday and Wednesday. If you ever have a problem with your subscription, contact me here. You first message will arrive soon!