One way you can to begin to live the core value of peace and kindness to all is to begin with yourself, specifically, by noticing your internal dialogue. How do you speak to yourself? Do you berate, judge or ridicule yourself? In truth, how you speak to yourself is either an act of self-care or an act of hostility.
Speaking unkindly in this way sets us up to carry it forward by speaking carelessly to others. We perpetuate our inner hurt out into the world and others then suffer. Today, begin to speak to yourself as kindly as you would your own precious child. ©2024, Janice L. Lundy No matter which spiritual tradition we embrace, each of us can interact with others with patience, generosity, and kindness. It takes very little effort to do so—simply hold the intention with an open heart. Mother Teresa acknowledged this when she said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."
A legacy of love, like hers, is one worth leaving—one loving gesture at a time. ©2024, Janice L. Lundy The older we get the more we may realize that not much in life matters if we don't have love. Love of family and friends. Love of work and creative expression. Love of the Earth and her bounty. Love of growth and the opportunity to be all that we can be. But in order to receive this love, we must have an open heart. We must be able to fully give love, too.
Today let us re-dedicate ourselves to living with wide-open hearts as best we can; to not shut down or close off to others; to not judge or discriminate or neglect. Let us extend ourselves to others as best we can. Let us live with unconditional friendliness toward all beings, both animal and human. Let us we be kind. This is a life worth living, one rooted in love. ©2023, Janice L. Lundy |
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
December 2024
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |