How fast do you walk and talk? Are you rushing through your day to get things done? Are you living by the clock?
Rushing creates stress and stress creates tension, which creates more problems than we can name. Rushing also makes us miss the magic of the moment, including the joy of intimate conversation between friends and family. Consciously slow the pace of your day. Walk more slowly. Speak more slowly, more intentionally. Remind yourself to "Breathe, go slowly, and smile," as Zen monk, Thich Nhat Hanh advocates. Take time to smell the roses.
Today, I'd like to offer you a blessing! A blessing for inner calm, so deep peace of body, mind, heart and spirit may be yours.
Take a few moments to suitably relax yourself then receive the audio blessing. May your day unfold with ease afterwards. Today, I thought I would share one of my favorite practices for cultivating a grateful heart:
Before your feet touch the floor in the morning, lie in bed for a few minutes more to mentally become aware of the abundance that is present in your life. Beginning with what is here in your physical space, intend to align yourself with the good vibrations of all that you have. When we are feeling grateful, naturally, our body and mind are at ease, our heart is open and we feel good about life. Begin where you are. Bring your awareness to how your body feels upon the mattress and give thanks for that. Allow your mind to focus on the next closest thing. Give thanks for sheets and blankets. For warmth. For a good night’s sleep. Many people do not have beds or blankets to offer comfort. Sometimes it helps to put things in perspective as we do this practice to remember those who have much less than we do. Give thanks for the person lying next to you (if there is one), or your child in the next room, for your nearest and dearest ones. Imagine their faces and smiles. Now make your circle of gratitude a little wider. Expand it outwards. Give thanks for your house or apartment and how it protects you from the elements. For the food in your refrigerator. For the coffee brewing in the pot and its savory smell. For the hot water you'll shower in to begin your day. Continue to expand your scope and circle of gratitude. Offer thanks for your friends and family. Name them by name. Visualize them in your mind’s eye. Extend appreciation to your neighbors. To your school or church community. To your workplace and co-workers. To your city, state, and country, and all the faithful beings who work to keep the things in your life running smoothly. Envision them being warmed by the rays of your kind regard. Offer gratitude for the earth itself that overflows with extraordinary natural beauty; that provides resources to make our lives ease-filled and comfortable. For health, for love, for the spirit of connectedness that unites us all. For breath. For the gift of simply being alive. And on you go, naming all the things in your world for which you are grateful. Then, notice how you feel. If you’ve done this practice slowly, gently, and with sincerity, I can guarantee you will feel a whole lot lighter. Don’t be surprised if the hue of your entire day shifts to be brighter, more hope-filled. ©2023, Janice L. Lundy Excerpted from Portable Peace: A Weekly Guidebook As I walked on the beach not far from my home the other day, this message greeted me. What a delight! I was happy to know that some previous beach walker took the time to scrawl their thoughts in the sand for others to enjoy.
Though my journey of recent years has shown me that we don't need to find or search for peace. Instead, we can simply uncover it. Peace, I believe, is the essence of our being. It is part of us, it always was and always will be. It lives within us. It IS us—our true nature—when we have the awareness that this is so. To access peace as a felt experience, we simply must lift the egoic veil which obscures its shimmer. Walking the beach is one such way I lift the veil to access my peace. Bringing my senses to attention, feasting on the air, the sky, the blue of the water, the movement of waves—each one of these is veil lifting. What is yours? |
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
February 2025
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |