I have a lovely friend who signs off her emails by saying, "Breathe deep the day." Each time I read this I really do take a deeper breath. It's delicious.
I notice "breathing deep the day" centers me and it also turns me toward gratitude—appreciation for this one-of-a-kind day. I am so very aware at this stage of my life how special each day is, as well as how fleeing time is. Each moment is precious and can easily slip away into obscurity without my loving attention. If you take a few moments right now and breathe deep the day in your own way, what do you notice? How do you feel and what shimmers for you? I hope and pray that awareness of the precious present sings in your heart today just as it does mine. Comments are closed.
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
September 2024
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |