As we spend more time with others this holiday season, I offer this gentle reminder:
It is easy to love those who love us, more difficult to love those who don't. The invitation of Love is to develop our inner being to the point where we see and experience "the One" in all its forms. We never know where sacred messengers will be found. The Persian poet and sage, Rumi, counseled us, "Be grateful for whomever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond." Divine connection is found in every form, whether it is a fellow traveler with whom we have instantaneous connection, the irksome stranger who tests our patience, or the loved one who is a perpetual thorn in our side. All are of the One. ©2023, Janice L. Lundy Comments are closed.
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
February 2025
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |