Each one of us awakens
and grows into our spiritual nature at our own rate. For some, it may take many seasons to realize our highest potential and come into our fullness. This is a journey that cannot be rushed, judged or compared. Allow yourself to unfold and mature as Spirit intended. Put your lamentations and worries aside. Trust in the well-timed beauty of your own growth. ©2023, Janice L. Lundy Comments are closed.
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
February 2025
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |