Most of us have been searching for inner peace, hoping that we’ll find it in the next book or workshop or by following the latest greatest teacher. Or we keep waiting for inner peace to arrive: “When the kids are out of the house.” “When I retire.” “When I feel better.” “When my divorce is final.” “When I get that promotion. We keep telling ourselves that when our life shows up in a different way, then serenity will finally be ours.
On some level, we know this kind of reasoning is nonsense. Yet we’ve become habituated to thinking this way, putting off our personal peace until sometime in the future. Until, that is, we realize that peace is an inside job; that we can choose our peace, moment to moment to moment. Through creating new mindsets and adopting new practices, by consciously choosing new thoughts and feelings, we align ourselves with deep calm. Excerpted from Portable Peace: A Weekly Guidebook by Jan Lundy Comments are closed.
Gentle and timely reminders for the spiritual journey, because sometimes we forget or need a kind nudge back to Center.
February 2025
Dr. Janice Lynne Lundy (PsyD, DMin, MPC)
is The Gerald May Professor of Spiritual Direction & Counseling at the Graduate Theological Foundation. She is an interspiritual director/mentor, educator and counselor who has been pointing people back toward the Sacred for nearly thirty years. Connect |